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Extra Blog: 4th of July in Washington, DC

This Wasn't a Normal 4th of July Holiday for Many Americans While many Americans experienced 4th of July differently this year, with closed beaches in California, no firework shows in much of New England to discourage crowds gatherings, and parades being canceled, other Americans gathered on the lawn at the President's invite despite spiking coronavirus numbers nationwide and outrage for many Black Americans who were not granted freedom until June 19, 1868, almost 92 years after July 4, 1776. Enslaved Black Americans watched 4th of July celebrations of freedom for their fellow White Americans for almost 100 years before being granted freedom themselves. This has been a new topic discussed on social media within the past few weeks and with the current political climate, was never, to my knowledge, addressed by the current President. The President named the event that took place yesterday on the lawn "Salute to America." It's almost as if he is asking us t
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Final Blog: My Online Presence

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Blog 6: Reflection on Technology

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Blog 5: Anitwar Voices

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